REJANG LEBONG - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu Province, will build two new bridges that cost a budget of IDR 3.6 billion.
Head of Highways of the Rejang Lebong Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office Roni Saputra said the construction of the two bridges had been included in the 2022 Rejang Lebong District Budget.
"This year there are two bridge construction activities that we will carry out using the budget from the 2022 Rejang Lebong Regency APBD with a total budget of IDR 3.6 billion," he said when contacted at Rejang Lebong, Antara, Sunday, March 20.
He explained that the bridge to be built was a 20-meter bridge in Duku Ilir Village, East Curup District. The construction of this concrete bridge will cost a budget of IDR 1.5 billion.
Meanwhile, the second bridge is a steel frame bridge which will be the bridge connecting Lubuk Belimbing I Village with Lubuk Belimbing II Village in Sindang Beliti Ilir District.
The construction of the steel frame bridge with a length of 50 meters in the first stage is only limited to making the foundation with a prepared budget of IDR 2.1 billion, this is done due to the limited budget of the local district government.
According to him, in 2022, the total budget for physical activities disbursed through the clan development sector of the Rejang Lebong PUPR Service is around IDR 30 billion, which is intended for the construction of two bridges and a number of roads.
For the roads to be built this year, among others, connecting the Teladan Village and Air Putih Lama and RT 12 and 14 Kelurahan Tempel Rejo with a length of 4 km will cost a budget of IDR 1.2 billion.
Other road construction activities include widening the labor-intensive road of Talang Rimbo Lama Village along 1 km with a budget of IDR 1 billion. Furthermore, the construction of Talang Kus Road, Purwodadi Village, Bermani Ulu District, along 1 km with a budget of IDR 1 billion, then the construction of Talang Kedurang Road, Pal VII Village, Bermani Ulu Raya District with a budget of IDR 1 billion.
"Physical development activities in the field of clan development are currently still in the preparation stage, in the near future we will conduct an auction process so that the work can be carried out immediately," he explained.
In addition to constructing roads and bridges using local APBD funds, his party will also build a 4.5 km road connecting Karang Baru Village and Lubuk Tanjung in Padang Ulak Tanding District, the budget of which comes from DAK of IDR 7.7 billion.
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