
JAYAPURA - AirNav Indonesia has not yet reassigned its officers at Bilorai airport, Sugapa, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua, since it was withdrawn due to security disturbances.

"It is true that since the security disturbance occurred on October 29, 2021, Airnav officers were evacuated and have not returned to duty yet," said GM AirNav Nabire Anton Parangin-angin as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 19.

Since the arson carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the area of Bilorai Airport, Sugapa AirNav evacuated six personnel on duty at the airport.

In addition, the officers at Bilorai Sugapa airport have not yet returned, according to Anton, because of the issuance of NOTAM or Notice to Airmen regarding notifications distributed using telecommunications.

"As well as implementing the Traffic Information Broadcast Advisory (TIBA) procedure which is supported by the application of flight slots," he said.

Anton said the TIBA procedure is a procedure for disseminating information based on radio communication between aircraft using the same radio frequency without involving ACO officers on the ground.

The information disseminated by the pilot will be heard by all pilots flying or on the ground in the area under which the TIBA procedure is applied and based on weather information and aircraft position information submitted by the pilot on one TIBA radio frequency.

This becomes a reference for other flights to determine maneuvers, sequences and decisions taken by pilots for their flights.

In addition, the implementation of the TIBA procedure is carried out according to stages including safety assessment, socialization and publication in Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Indonesia number 47/17 and Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) AIP Number 104, explained Anton.

Admittedly, the implementation of the TIBA Procedure has also been carried out in several locations in Indonesia, including in Bawean, Jember, Enggano, and Ilaga.

"In addition, a number of countries have implemented this procedure in several airspaces, including the United States, Canada and Australia," said Anton Parangin-Angin who was contacted from Jayapura.

Previously, the Intan Jaya Police Chief, AKBP Sandi Sultan, separately regretted that airport and AirNav officers had not yet been assigned to Bilorai airport, even though the security situation was already conducive.

"We really hope that the officers will return to carrying out their duties soon, especially since security has become more conducive and air transportation is the main transportation to and from the Intan Jaya Regency area," said AKBP Sandi Sultan.

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