
LOMBOK - Security for the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia which was held at the Pertamina Mandalika Highway International Circuit, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara was not only carried out around the circuit area.

Security was also held in the hilly area around the Mandalika Circuit. The officers on duty came from the Mobile Brigade of the NTB Police. They have been on standby since Tuesday 15 March and will continue until the MotoGP race, Sunday 20 March.

This was stated by Adjunct Commissioner of Police Budi Marjoko, a Brimob officer of the NTB Police, when contacted by Media Center Indonesia (MCI), Saturday, March 19.

As the Task Force for Enforcement and Law Enforcement, Brimob Polda NTB, Budi and his troops responsible for security at Bukit Rkap, Kuta Village, Mandalika, will provide security support from outside the circuit and always coordinate with other troops.

In addition to Bukit Rangkap, the NTB Police Mobile Brigade also stationed its troops in six other hills that surround the Mandalika Circuit, such as the Tomb Hill, Jokowi Hill, Patar Hill, Ketiung Hill, 360 Hill, and Seger Hill. On the seven hills, 47 Brimob Polda NTB personnel were stationed with full weapons. They were on standby for 24 hours and set up tents. The security will end as the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia race ends, Sunday 20 March.

As an officer, he appealed to people who want to watch around the hills to remain orderly, not to bring liquor, sharp weapons, and mirrors that would endanger the racers on the track. People are also asked not to bring umbrellas because if the wind blows them it will harm users and other residents.

He himself could not forbid the public to watch from the top of the hill because some of these hills are owned by the local community. AKP Budi also asked the public to maintain safety and health protocols.

The NTB Police Mobile Brigade Forces are part of the security that involves a combined 3,427 personnel from the TNI and Polri. They are from the NTB Regional Police, including the ranks of the Resort Police (Polres), the Military Resort Command, and operational control assistance in the form of personnel from the National Police Headquarters.

For mobile escorts, the NTB Police also received assistance from patrol vehicles from the Traffic Corps at the Police Headquarters consisting of 51 four-wheelers and 31 two-wheeled units.

In detail, the Korlantas Polri deployed 26 four-wheeled units, the Central Java Police as many as 8 four-wheeled units and 5 two-wheeled units. Then 17 four-wheelers and 17 two-wheelers from the East Java Regional Police, and 4 two-wheeled units from the Yogyakarta Special Region Police. All vehicles intended for escorting VVIP guests arrived at Lembar Harbor, Lombok, Wednesday, March 16.

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