
CIREBON - The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Cirebon City, West Java, Agus Mulyadi said, the number of inpatients for COVID-19 at the hospital had dropped. Previously the number of patients every week reached 70 people per 100,000 population.

"Currently, there are only 12 people who are hospitalized for COVID-19 patients per 100,000 residents per week," said Agus in Cirebon, Antara, Friday, March 18.

At the time of the implementation of the Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) level 4, hospitalization at a hospital in Cirebon City reached 70 people per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

Meanwhile, currently inpatient rooms have decreased, where they are already at 12 people per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

"It is hoped that the next PPKM evaluation can be below 10 people per 100 thousand inhabitants per week. If that happens, the Cirebon City PPKM can be at level 2," he said.

Agus added that the case of COVID-19 in the city of Cirebon was steadily sloping, and every day there were more recoveries than the confirmation of new cases.

On Friday, there were 6 new COVID-19 cases in Cirebon City, while the recovery reached 15 people. As for active cases, there are 397 people.

"Our COVID-19 cases continue to decline, and it is hoped that this momentum will continue to be maintained," he said.

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