
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya responded to the decision of the South Jakarta District Court Panel of Judges who acquitted the two defendants in the shooting of FPI soldiers in the KM 50 tragedy.

The acquittal indicates that the shootings carried out by the defendants Ipda M. Yusmin Ohorella and First Brigadier Fikri Ramadhan against 6 FPI troops were in accordance with police SOPs.

"This means that what the police at KM 50 are doing is in accordance with the SOP for members in the field," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, March 18.

With the verdict, Zulpan also highly respects the judge's decision. Moreover, the trial process has also been carried out in a transparent manner.

"Polda Metro Jaya respects the court's decision that has been implemented transparently and openly," said Zulpan.

On the other hand, the existence of this problem will be a stepping stone for Polda Metro Jaya to improve the performance of members in their duties. Thus, people will feel more secure.

"Hopefully in the future the Polda Metro Jaya will be more professional in carrying out their duties in the field in providing a sense of security in the community," said Zulpan.

The panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) has ruled that two police officers accused of the unlawful killing of members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) are free from criminal charges, even though the prosecutor's primary charges are proven.

The actions of Police Brigadier One (Briptu) Fikri Ramadhan and Police Inspector Two (Ipda) Mohammad Yusmin Ohorella cannot be criminalized because they fall into the category of forced defense and forced defense that exceeds the limit.

"Thus, First Brigadier Fikri and Ipda Yusmin cannot be sentenced for reasons of justification and forgiveness," said Chief Justice M. Arif Nuryanta in the verdict read during the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Jakarta.

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