TANGERANG - Information circulated that the Mercedes Benz (Mercy) car that blocked the ambulance while carrying a pregnant patient had not paid taxes since January 10, 2022. Based on information, the fine for the Mercedes Benz car with license plate number B 2873 PBK reached Rp. 20,685,800.
The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin, said he would develop it if it was true that the luxury car failed to pay taxes.
"We haven't gotten there yet, if any indications are found, we will definitely develop it," said Komarudin when contacted, Friday, March 19.
It was previously known that the viral white Mercedes Benz car was reported to have blocked the speed of the ambulance which was carrying a female patient to the hospital to give birth.

The Mercedes Benz driver did not agree with the ambulance driver because his rearview mirror was grazed. The commotion lasted until the ambulance arrived at the Tangerang District General Hospital (RSUD).
Arriving at the hospital, still said Hildan, the sedan was immediately parked blocking the ambulance which was lowering the patient.
"Immediately blocked. The driver immediately got off and got angry at me with harsh words, even I wanted to be hit, I was pulled by the collar of my shirt with him," he said.
"I want the patient first. I sent down the patient who had to undergo surgery immediately. He entered the hospital, after that my shirt collar was pulled and I wanted to hit it but was quickly dispersed by security officers," he said.
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