
TEMANGGUNG - The SME Cooperatives and Trade Office of Temanggung Regency, Central Java, stopped the operation of the cooking oil (OP) market following the issuance of a letter from the Director General of Domestic Trade signed by Oke Nurwan. The General of Domestic Trade concerning the distribution of cooking oil on March 16, 2022. He delivered the letter to follow up on the directive from the President of the Republic of Indonesia on March 15, 2022 as conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, essentially deciding the price of bulk cooking oil at Rp. 14,000 per liter and the price of crude oil. packaged fried foods follow the market mechanism. "At the second point of the letter it was written to stop carrying out market operations in their respective areas," said Entargo in Temanggung, Friday, March 18. He said the reason for the termination of the OP was because packaged cooking oil had begun to be distributed normally. al with the price according to the market mechanism. Entargo said on Thursday (17/3) he was still holding the cooking oil OP with the National Narcotics Agency of Temanggung Regency in welcoming the 20th Anniversary of BNN in Kranggan District because it was scheduled and the goods were already in place. OP cooking oil in the last Kranggan.

Previously, cooking oil OP in Temanggung Regency had been carried out since February 25, 2022 in a number of areas far from modern shops. Around 4,000 liters of cooking oil have been provided at each OP point. The sub-districts where cooking oil OP has been carried out include Tembarak, Parakan, Kandangan, Gemawang, Candiroto, and Wonoboyo. According to him, with the termination of the OP for cooking oil, the plan for OP for cooking oil for MSME actors will also not be implemented. the market put up a banner of HET for bulk cooking oil of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram at the market. The price of packaged cooking oil ranges from Rp. 19,000 to 25,000 per liter depending on the brand. "Today we will monitor sales of bulk cooking oil at big traders," he said.

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