
SURABAYA - Cases of COVID-19 or the Omicron variant in the city of Surabaya decreased significantly in the last two weeks. This decrease in cases has also made the bed capacity (TT) at the City of Heroes COVID-19 referral hospital loose.

"Based on the COVID-19 situation assessment data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the decrease in confirmed cases in the city of Surabaya from 228.92 per 100 thousand population to 84.22 per 100 thousand population," said the Head of the Surabaya Health Service (Dinkes), Nanik Sukristina, Thursday, March 17.

Meanwhile, the current hospitalization rate from 16.77 per 100 thousand population to 9.12 per 100 thousand population. Meanwhile, the positive rate is from 13.56 percent to 8.41 percent.

"The data is calculated from the first week to the second week of March 2022," he said.

Nanik also explained that a total of 531 patients were treated at the Surabaya City COVID-19 referral hospital as of March 14. Among them, 69.30 percent had Surabaya ID cards and 30.70 percent had non-Surabaya ID cards. Meanwhile, the percentage of BOR as of March 14, 2022, was 16.22 percent of the total TT at the COVID-19 referral hospital.

Nanik revealed that the decline in COVID-19 cases in March 2022 was inseparable from the hard work of the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) in tightening health protocols (prokes). Among them is increasing 3T (tracing, testing, and treatment).

"Our tracing is fast, carried out in less than 48 hours. In addition, increasing COVID-19 testing with active surveillance activities, justification operations for implementing health care procedures, hunter swabs and hunter vaccines, rapid evacuation of confirmed patients, booster vaccinations, and temporary cessation of PTM activities if the rate is positive. it is less than 5 percent, then it will be stopped for 5 days and 14 days if the positive rate is more than 5 percent," he said.

After the COVID-19 cases declined, continued Nanik, the steps to be taken by the Surabaya Health Office remained consistent with the efforts made so far to reduce the risk of case transmission. Especially in the family, workplace, study, and community environment.

He explained that the implementation of the new normal process was still carried out in an integrated manner in every field such as religious places, education, industry, and transportation. In addition, the use of the PeduliLindung application in a disciplined manner is also part of prevention or early detection that can be accessed by the public when visiting crowded places.

Furthermore, carrying out active surveillance on a regular basis is also still being carried out, especially in the closed population or at work, schools, hotels, malls and so on, every month by sampling. Not only that, the Surabaya Health Office also carries out assessment and mitigation in public places as well as celebrations or events involving the role of the COVID-19 Task Force.

"We are also optimizing the role of the Wani Jogo Suroboyo Village Task Force in controlling area-based COVID-19 cases," he said.

In addition to the issue of decreasing COVID-19, Nanik also explained the update on booster vaccine achievements (three doses) as of March 14, 2022. So far, booster vaccine achievements for the elderly (elderly) are 92,673 or 90.80 percent, while non-elderly are 364.709 or 89,21 percent.

"For the availability of booster vaccination stock, we are still waiting for the drop from the center. Meanwhile, we are optimizing sweeping vaccinations for children aged 6-11 years," he said.

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