
GORONTALO - The District Government (Pemkab) of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, chose to temporarily suspend (disable) village officials, both village heads and their apparatus, who did not want to vaccinate or support the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination in their area.

"The district government is firm in its efforts to ensure the success of vaccination coverage in this area. Village officials who do not want to be vaccinated or who do not want to support the COVID-19 vaccination movement in their area will be temporarily suspended for three months," said Deputy Regent of North Gorontalo, Tariq Modanggu, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

The local Village and Community Empowerment Service has been instructed to write a review letter for the application of this affirmation.

In addition, said Tariq, the Regency Government has prepared several strategies in an effort to accelerate the coverage of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Such as asking the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Health Office, the Education Office and the Community and Village Empowerment Office to hold follow-up meetings of cross-sectoral coordination meetings in the enforcement of COVID-19 control and socialization of the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination.

This is to hold COVID-19 vaccination actions at schools for children aged 6 to 11 years and to celebrate sub-district vaccinations which will be held before the fasting month/Ramadan.

This action is considered necessary because the Regency Government will prepare an analysis of the need for rice, cooking oil and other basic commodities which will be distributed in the form of assistance.

All regional apparatus organizations (OPD) are also asked to be creative in holding outreach and vaccinations for COVID-19. Including efforts that must be encouraged in the context of optimizing cross-sectoral coordination.

"Because we all have the same passion in controlling COVID-19," he said.

The BPBD was also asked to make a list of state civil servants (ASN) and regional honorariums, both temporary employees and non-permanent teachers, regarding the status of the COVID-19 vaccination that had been received.

Have you just received the first dose or have you received up to the second dose or have you had a booster vaccine or not at all?

"This list needs to be reported to me as soon as possible," he said.

It is also expected to immediately prepare data for students and parents who have not received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Because it will be scheduled for a socialization meeting that needs to be done in increasing vaccination coverage.

According to Tariq, the Regency Government will maximize the presence of border check points in Atinggola, Tolinggula and Puncak Pontolo Subdistricts, Kwandang District by deploying health workers from the nearest Puskesmas.

"We are optimizing all efforts to achieve COVID-19 vaccination, including requests for crowd permits, distribution of fertilizers and oil and gas must include a certificate of having been vaccinated," he added.

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