
MEDAN - A woman in the city of Medan admitted to being a victim of harassment and abuse by an unknown person at a cafe on Jalan Sei Serayu, Medan. The woman's confession was uploaded on social media.

The woman named Citra Andy admitted that the incident she experienced began when she and her friend with the initials AH met her friend at a cafe.

"Then I stayed with other friends and the cafe waiter. Then a friend of AH who I didn't know met me and said to ask for your cellphone number, deck," Citra wrote in her upload.

"I said no. Then the perpetrator said the account number was just my brother, I also didn't give it. Then his friend held the body part and was witnessed by other friends and the cafe waiter also saw it," he continued.

At that time, continued Citra, AH had returned and saw the incident. However, he said, AH just kept quiet and allowed him to be persecuted and harassed.

The perpetrator, according to Citra, abused her by dragging her to the floor.

"Then the perpetrator kicked and hit the right hip and left knee blindly," he said

As a result of the incident, Citra admitted that she had pain all over her body. The incident was reported to the Medan Polrestabes on March 13.

Citra's attorney, Thomson Hutahaean, said when met by reporters that the perpetrators of the abuse and harassment of his client were one person. It is suspected that the suspect was drunk when he did this.

"It happened in the early hours of March 13. As a result of this incident, my client's psyche was disturbed because a man hit a woman," said Thomson, Wednesday, March 16.

He explained that his client's report had been responded to by the Medan Police. Citra, he said, has also undergone an examination at the Medan Polrestabes.

"Today we are in the first BAP. We have been asked all about the mistreatment by unknown people at the Kuhi Cafe," he explained.

"Polrestabes must reveal who the perpetrators are based on witness statements," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol M Firdaus, when confirmed could not be asked for confirmation.

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