
ACEH - The district government of Bireuen, Aceh stated that hundreds of Rohingya immigrants were stranded on the coast and still occupying emergency tents.

"Rohingya immigrants are still occupying emergency tents in Alue Buya Pasie Village, Jangka District, Bireuen Regency," said Assistant I to the Regional Secretariat of Bireuen Regency Mulyadi in Bireuen, Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

Previously, as many as 114 Rohingya immigrants were stranded in Kuala Muara Raja, Kuala District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh. They were stranded in Kuala Muara, Sunday, March 6 at around 02.00 WIB.

Mulyadi said that the Bireuen Regency Government had previously held a cross-sector coordination meeting with the parties. As a result, the immigrants were relocated to Lhokseumawe. In Lhokseumawe, said Mulyadi, they will be placed in the Job Training Center. Because, in that place also became a shelter for Rohingya immigrants some time ago.

However, said Mulyadi, the relocation of Rohingya immigrants from Bireuen to the Lhokseumawe City Job Training Center could not be carried out. This is because the Bireuen Regency Government is still waiting for a recommendation from the Lhokseumawe City Government.

"We have not yet received permission from the Lhokseumawe City Government to transfer the Rohingya immigrants," said Mulyadi.

Mulyadi said that so far the Bireuen Regency Government has only been able to carry out humanitarian actions, considering that there is no special place to accommodate the Rohingya immigrants.

"The Lhokseumawe City Government has an adequate location to temporarily accommodate the hundreds of boat people. Next, whether they will be moved outside Aceh or what, depends on later," said Mulyadi.

Head of UNHCR's Internal and External Relations Section for Indonesia Representative Mitra Suryono said his party was continuing to communicate with the authorities and partners to improve shelters for Rohingya immigrants.

"These Rohingya refugees need good shelter and are not exposed to danger. We will continue to ensure refugees get good shelter and can support their conditions," said Mitra Suryono.

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