
PASER - Head of the Environmental Service (DLH) of Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, Achmad Safari said the water quality in the local area is above the quality standard threshold. lightly polluted to moderately polluted," said Safari in Tanah Grogot, Wednesday 15 March. which is allowed. The Environmental Quality Index (IKLH) of Paser Regency in 2021, said Safari, is around 74.2 with a good category. ), and the Land Cover Quality Index (IKL). Of the three components, only IKA gives the number y "The results of the calculation of the water quality index in Paser Regency in 2021 will only range at 57.5 with a value scale of 0 - 100," said Safari as quoted by Antara.

Safari said that this exposure activity aims to provide information to regional stakeholders in this case the sub-district heads and village heads regarding the condition of river water quality in their area. In addition, it is hoped that in this meeting an agreement can be drawn regarding efforts to improve the quality of the environment, especially the handling of quality degradation. river water. The presentation was guided by Plt. Head of PPKL Ariza Galih Rakasiwi, with the results of environmental quality test analysis submitted by Environmental Impact Controller Andi Sri Rahayu. Safari stated that, apart from the Kandilo River, other rivers are categorized as lightly polluted, namely, the Seratai River, Muru River, Telake River, Apar Besar River, and the River. Shellfish. "The test parameters that do not meet environmental quality standards are generally parameters that indicate turbidity, and the number of chemical compounds dissolved into river water," he explained. representatives of village heads whose areas are most affected are based on references to river water quality test results. "As a conclusion from the exposure meeting, it was agreed that each sub-district head would be given a letter containing the results of the environmental quality test in their area along with an estimate of the source of the cause," he said.

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