
PONTIANAK - West Kalimantan is one of 12 provinces that have the highest stunting cases in Indonesia in 2022. Based on data from the Indonesia Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) 2021, high stunting cases are in Kubu Raya, Sintang, Melawi and Sambas.

Kubu Raya is the area with the largest number of cases, because the cases are above 40 percent. Meanwhile, Intang, Melawi and Sambas are above 30 percent.

Then, 10 districts and cities have yellow status with a prevalence of 20 to 30 percent. If sorted from those with the highest prevalence to the lowest, they include Mempawah, Kapuas Hulu, Landak, Bengkayang, Sekadau, Sanggau, North Kayong, Pontianak City, Ketapang and Singkawang City. In fact, Mempawah with a prevalence of 29.7 percent is almost in the red category.

Not a single district or city in West Kalimantan has green and blue status, with green having a prevalence of 10 to 20 percent and blue for a prevalence below 10 percent. Only Singkawang City has the lowest prevalence rate of all regions in West Kalimantan with a prevalence of 22.3 percent.

In order to comply with the national target of reducing the stunting rate of 14 percent, the rate of stunting reduction per year must be in the range of 3.4 percent. By looking at the current actual conditions, the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan is billed for its commitment by 2024 so that no districts and cities in the West Kalimantan region are listed as red in stunting.

The problem of stunting itself is not because of a curse. Because stunting is a condition of growth and development failure experienced by children due to lack of nutritional intake for a long time, repeated infections and inadequate psychosocial stimulation, especially in the first 1,000 days of life.

“The problem of stunting will cause the welfare gap to get worse. Stunting causes ongoing intergenerational poverty. In addition, stunting can increase the risk of brain damage, and triggers the sufferer to develop metabolic diseases such as diabetes as well as heart-related diseases in adult sufferers," said Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo in an official statement, Tuesday, March 15.

With the threat of health and intelligence, the generation affected by stunting will experience various problems in facing the increasingly diverse challenges of life in the future.

According to Hasto, as an effort to prevent stunting in newborns, the BKKBN in collaboration with the relevant Ministries and Institutions who are members of the Team for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (TPPS) has created a mandatory program of mentoring and counseling for prospective brides and grooms.

The Mentoring Program for the bride and groom is carried out preceded by a basic health check by the bride and groom which includes height, weight, upper arm circumference and Hb levels, which are carried out at least 3 months before marriage.

Landak Regency itself is recognized by the Regent, dr. Karolin Margret Natasa is ready to make the mentoring and counseling program for brides-to-be successful considering that this program is absolutely necessary for stunting prevention.

“The Landak Regional Government itself has implemented a mentoring and education program for families with babies and toddlers and encouraged the village government to be actively involved in efforts to reduce stunting. Praise God, the prevalence rate in Hedgehogs continues to decline,” said Karolin, who is known for his social actions by going directly to remote areas.

Funds for Accelerating Stunting Reduction Are Available

To ensure a shared commitment in accelerating the reduction of stunting, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) held a Socialization of the National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (RAN PASTI) in Pontianak on Monday, March 14.

The BKKBN, which was entrusted by President Joko Widodo as the chief executive of the acceleration of stunting reduction in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 72/2021, through the Socialization of RAN PASTI provided an explanation of the working mechanism for accelerating stunting reduction at the provincial, district and city and village levels. The formation of the Team for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction throughout West Kalimantan "must" be completed immediately in March 2022 so that the funds that have been allocated can be absorbed optimally and on target.

“Once this socialization is complete, I will ensure that the Team for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Kapuas Hulu Regency is immediately formed. I will involve community leaders, religious leaders, youth and my officials to ensure that stunting is reduced. I target Kapuas Hulu which has a stunting prevalence of 28.9 percent next year, of course with the direction of the BKKBN," said Kapuas Hulu Regent Fransiskus Diaan.

The RAN PASTI socialization also discussed monitoring, reporting and evaluation. And last but not least, the stunting “funding” scenario in the regions was also socialized. The stunting reduction indicator will be one of the parameters for the success of regional heads in prospering their citizens and promoting regional development progress.

The RAN PASTI socialization presented speakers from the BKKBN as well as the Deputy Chairpersons of the Central Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) from the elements of the Vice President's Secretariat, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Health.

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