
JAKARTA - This year, PT Transjakarta BUMD will revitalize 46 shelters in DKI Jakarta.

This was revealed by the President Director of PT Transjakarta, Yana Aditya, after a meeting with the DKI Regional House of Representatives.

"For the development of these shelters, we have revitalized 46 shelters in DKI Jakarta", said Yana at the DKI Regional House of Representatives building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 15.

Yana said Transjakarta has budgeted for the revitalization of dozens of bus stops amounting to IDR 600 billion. This budget is taken from company funds sourced from Transjakarta regional capital participation (PMD).

Yana explained that the revitalization of 46 shelters was carried out by enlarging the waiting room for passengers who would board the Transjakarta bus.

Later, the shape of the revitalized bus stop will resemble the Harmoni Stop. As is well known, Halte Harmoni has a fairly large waiting room, considering the number of passengers going up and down and transiting to other routes.

"If we see, the bus stop that we will build is expected to be bigger. So, the waiting time will not be long and we can transport more", said Yana.

Initially, at the end of 2021, the number of shelters to be revitalized was planned for 100 stops. However, Yana views that the construction in one year is not enough to work on the construction of 100 shelters.

"It's impossible for us to build all of them. Now, just build an MRT in the city, the bus stops must also be marginalized first. Later, we will also arrange so that customers remain comfortable so that there is a waiting area", he added.

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