
JAKARTA - Floods and landslides hit the settlements of three hamlets including Hamlets I, II, and III in Sintuwu Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi.

"The flooding has occurred since Saturday, March 12 at around 17.30 WITA, water has started to rise into people's homes and public facilities", said Sintuwu Village Secretary, Mohammad Safir, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

He said the flood was accompanied by wooden materials, which added to the bad impact of the flood.

Safir explained that of the three affected hamlets, Hamlet I and Hamlet II were severely affected and many houses were damaged.

"If Dusun III only a few houses were affected by mud from the flood, the residents' houses were filled with mud", he said.

For Hamlet I of Sintuwu Village there are 48 houses affected by flood and landslide materials, and Hamlet II there are 15 houses of affected residents.

"In Dusun II, one house was heavily damaged", said Safir.

He also explained that the disaster closed land access to and from Hamlet II and Hamlet I. Three bridges in Hamlet I were covered by landslides and one bridge in Dusun II was broken by the flood.

He said the village government is currently collecting data on residents and collecting data on settlements and facilities affected by floods and landslides caused by heavy rains.

"There is already a team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Sigi Regency, we will cooperate, including cooperation with the police and TNI to take countermeasures", he said.

The Sintuwu Village Government and related parties will build a public kitchen at the Sintuwu Village Office.

"We have coordinated with the local government regarding the situation and conditions in our village", said Safir.

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