
JAKARTA - The action of two cell phone snatchers belonging to cyclists at the Senayan flyover, Central Jakarta, was motivated by drug problems. The two perpetrators, namely Nico Januarkardo (32) and Henriko Sitorus HS (32) were addicted to methamphetamine.

"They are brave and aggressive, there must be a reason," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Thursday, March 10, afternoon.

The police chief stated, from the results of the examination of the two perpetrators, they did the theft no longer because of economic problems.

"But to meet his needs because of drug addiction, especially crystal methamphetamine," said Hengki.

Kombes Hengki confirmed that in carrying out their crime, Nico and Henriko were under the influence of drugs.

"The perpetrator is under the influence of drugs. These drugs are closely related to street crime," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) arrested two perpetrators of an attempted robbery of a cyclist who went viral on the Senayan flyover, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta.

The two suspects were arrested at two different locations. The suspect, Nico Januarkardo (32) was arrested in Cinere, Depok. Meanwhile, the suspect Henriko Sitorus (32) was arrested in front of the Mulya Hotel, Jalan Kramat Pulo, Senen, Central Jakarta.

One of the perpetrators, named Nico Januarkardo, turned out to be a recidivist in a similar case. Based on his criminal record, Nico was once involved in a mugging case against a TNI officer.

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