
MANADO - Military Commander XIII/Merdeka Major General Denny Tuejeh said the heart of Kodam XIII/Merdeka was the Regional Military Parent Regiment or Rindam.

"Because Rindam is a place to form reliable, qualified and professional soldiers," said the Merdeka Commander during a visit to Rindam XIII/Merdeka, in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Antara, Thursday, March 10.

The Pangdam wants the method of educating and training in Rindam XIII/Merdeka to be the best. "I want the soldiers who graduated from Rindam XIII/Merdeka to appear with a good attitude and physique," said the Pangdam.

Pangdam also emphasized to Rindam soldiers to be careful in playing social media.

"Among other things, by not responding to posts on social media carelessly, because it's a public space that has no limits," he said.

Meanwhile Kapendam XIII/Merdeka Lt. Col. Inf. Johnson M. Sitorus said that professionalism is a fixed price for a TNI soldier.

"One of the factors that greatly affects professionalism is military education and training," he said.

The arrival of the Regional Commander and his entourage in Tomohon, was welcomed by Commander Rindam XIII/Merdeka Colonel Inf Bambang Sujarwo.

The presence of the Pangdam was welcomed by the ranks of honor and the draping of flowers by the sons and daughters of Rindam personnel as well as the Maengket dance.

At that time, the Pangdam and his entourage visited the Mako Rindam Base, office and residential buildings, continued to plant a Honey mango tree in Rindam's yard.

During the visit, the Military Commander was accompanied by the Head of Persit KCK Region XIII/Merdeka Cicilia Evie Denny Tuejeh along with the Persit Management, Kasdam XIII/Merdeka Brigadier General Wirana Prasetya Budi, Kapoksahli Pangdam XIII/Merdeka Brigadier General EJ Lumintang and the Assistants, Kabalak and Dansat members of Kodam XIII /Independent.

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