JAKARTA - The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri was reported to the Supervisory Board. This is the second time he has been reported for allegedly violating the code of ethics.
Alumni of the Journalism Against Corruption (AJLK) Academy 2020, Korneles Materay complained to the Supervisory Board that Firli had presented an award to his wife, Ardina Safitri, who created the KPK hymn and march. According to him, what Firli did was a conflict of interest.
"We view that this husband-wife relationship is thick with the nuances of a conflict of interest," said Korneles after submitting a report to the KPK Supervisory Board, Wednesday, March 9.
Korneles then explained that there are two laws and regulations regarding conflicts of interest that must be avoided by KPK personnel, including the five leaders.
The regulation is contained in Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration and Regulation of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Perkom) Number 5 of 2019 concerning Management of Conflicts of Interest at the Corruption Eradication Commission. So, whatever Firli et al do must comply with these rules.
Furthermore, Korneles also suspected that there were serious problems in the creation of this KPK hymn and march. One of them is not declaring a conflict of interest in the process of making the song in accordance with Perkom Number 5 of 2019.
"The contents oblige every member of the KPK to notify their superiors. In this context, Firli should have declared it to other commissioners and the Supervisory Board. This incident also illustrates the absence of a check and balance mechanism within the KPK," he explained.
Regarding this report, the Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, also spoke up. He said the follow-up to this report was submitted to the KPK Supervisory Board.
Ali also believes that the complaints submitted by Koreles will also be handled to the maximum extent possible. This is because the Corruption Eradication Committee, which is led by Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, has a mechanism and standard procedure as regulated in Article 37B of the KPK Law.
"KPK has completely handed over the examination process to the Dewas in accordance with their duties and authorities as regulated in Article 37B of the KPK Law. The Dewas certainly has a mechanism and SOP to follow up on any complaints received," said Ali in a written statement, Wednesday, March 9.
Ali asked the public not to speculate more about the report. He also believes that the KPK Council will follow up on complaints submitted by Korneles in a professional manner.
"Let's respect the ongoing process by not preempting to conclude prematurely, especially based on assumptions or opinions," he said.
Not the first report
Firli Bahuri had actually been reported to have violated ethics in 2020. This complaint was made by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman because Firli was caught using a chartered helicopter from Palembang to Baturaja for his personal needs.
From this complaint, the KPK Supervisory Board stated that the former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Committee was proven guilty of violating ethics regarding a luxurious lifestyle.
"Trial, declare that the examinee is proven guilty of violating the code of ethics and code of conduct," said Head of the Supervisory Board of Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean on Thursday, August 24.
This decision was taken because Firli is considered to have ignored the obligation to realize that all his attitudes and actions are always inherent in his capacity as a member of the KPK. Not only that, he is considered not to show an example in actions in daily behavior as regulated in Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter n and Article 8 Paragraph (1) letter f KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number: 02 of 2020 concerning the enforcement of the Code of Ethics and KPK Code of Conduct.
Firli is also considered not to show an example in actions in daily behavior as regulated in Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter n and Article 8 Paragraph (1) letter f KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number: 02 of 2020 concerning the enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct .
With these various violations, Firli was given a light sanction in the form of giving a written warning 2 so that similar incidents do not happen again. After being declared to have violated ethics, Firli apologized to all Indonesian people.
"I take this opportunity today, I apologize to all Indonesian people who may not feel comfortable," he said after hearing the decision of the KPK Council.
"I declare that I accept the decision and I make sure that I will never repeat it," he concluded.
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