
JAKARTA – The video of snakes being pitted against kittens on social media has prompted animal observers in Jakarta to protest and report the video uploader's account to the Cengkareng Police, West Jakarta.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, Iptu Rahmad, said that a teenager with the initials R, the owner of the account who posted a video of a kitten being pitted against a snake, had been picked up by officers. However, the case ended peacefully.

The peace process was carried out at the Cengkareng Police after the police picked up the perpetrators.

"It's been mediated, restorative justice. Just be arrested that day, it's finished," said Iptu Rahmad when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 9, afternoon.

According to Iptu Rahmad, the victim has forgiven the perpetrator, who is known to be still a school student.

"The victim forgives (the perpetrator's actions). (The victim) is just a cat observer," he said.

Currently, the case has been resolved amicably and there are no demands from the reporting party.

"(The perpetrator) is in school, so sorry. The perpetrator is a junior or high school student, I forgot," he said.

Previously, circulating video footage of a large snake pitted against a kitten in a plastic box. Seen in the video, several times the snake has bitten a kitten that was deliberately held by the perpetrator. As a result of his actions, the kitten is thought to have experienced pain after being bitten by the snake.

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