
PALU - Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Central Sulawesi Province, Tanwir Lamaming, confirmed that a commissioner of the KPU for Parigi Moutong Regency was dismissed based on the decision of the Ethics Council of the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) for receiving a double salary during his tenure.

"The member of the Parigi Moutong KPU who was dismissed is a state civil servant (ASN) because he was concerned since he was appointed as a commissioner in 2018 still receiving ASN salaries based on the results of the DKPP Code of Ethics Session today," said Tanwir, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

According to him, based on the DKPP's proposed permanent dismissal to the Central KPU, KPU member Parigi Moutong Abdul Chair is obliged to carry out the decision.

His party has investigated the case and made clarifications directly to related parties, including those concerned and admitted that they are still receiving civil servants' salaries.

"This case started from a community report, then we followed up in the field. The person concerned has submitted a letter of suspension of salary to the regional head, the letter should have been submitted to the BKPSDM and the Finance Section of the local Regency Government. This is considered procedural," said Tanwir.

In the previous clarification, the Central Sulawesi KPU formed a special team to meet with the Parigi Moutong Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) and confirmed this so that it followed up with the Central KPU for the violation.

He assessed that this case would be an important note for the election management institutions in the province, as well as an evaluation material to improve the internal system of the organizers so that similar cases do not recur.

"Based on the code of ethics, the defendants must return the salaries of ASN because this could be a finding of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). On average, cases like this they return," said Tanwir.

In the decision of the DKPP in case Number: 12-PKE-DKPP/II/2022, the defendant violated the code of conduct, oath of promise or integrity pact so that a decree was issued on January 3, 2022.

The Central KPU then legitimized the decision of the Central Sulawesi KPU by imposing a temporary suspension on the person concerned through Decree No. 18 of 2022 dated January 31, 2022.

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