
SEMARANG - The Transportation Service of Central Java Province continues to actively disseminate information regarding the implementation of the prohibition on the over-dimensional over-loading (ODOL) policy in various circles, especially transportation entrepreneurs and truck drivers.

"This is an effort to socialize the rules towards a vehicle-free Indonesia with extra dimensions or loads," said Head of the Road Transport Traffic Division of the Central Java Provincial Transportation Service, Erry Derima Ryanto in Semarang, Wednesday, March 9.

He emphasized that the ranks of the Central Java Transportation Agency would continue to prioritize the socialization of the ODOL ban and minimize prosecution so that in the future they can comply with the rules.

According to him, there is still a tolerance of 10 percent for goods transportation and 15 percent for transportation of basic needs.

"It will continue to be normalized as before, although this will take time because the capacity is limited. Thus, to normalize to the size permitted by the Government, it still takes time," he said.

The Central Java Transportation Agency hopes that transportation entrepreneurs, including goods owners, can comply with these rules so that in 2023 they can be free from ODOL.

"We hope that entrepreneurs who are members of the Aptrindo Association, Organda, and so on, so that vehicle owners comply with the ODOL measure to the owner of the goods so they don't force the goods to be transported," he said.

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