
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs issues technical guidelines (juknis) for accelerating the disbursement of social assistance (bansos) to provide a legal umbrella for the Basic Food Program which is distributed in cash through PT Pos Indonesia.

As for the technical guidelines, the Minister of Social Affairs is the Decree of the Director General for Handling the Poor Number 26/9/SK/HK.01/02/2022 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Acceleration of Distribution of Social Assistance for the Sembako Program for the January-February-March 2022 period.

"The cooperation with PT Pos is expected to accelerate the distribution of the basic food program in January, February and March," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini, quoted by Antara from a written statement, Tuesday, March 8.

The technical guidelines were issued at the direction of President Jokowi at a limited meeting on February 15, 2022, in order to accelerate the distribution of Non-Cash Food Aid (BPNT)/Sembako Program.

Apart from being a legal umbrella, the technical guidelines are also intended to increase effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and accountability in the distribution of social assistance.

Social Minister Risma emphasized that social assistance is a form of the government's serious effort to accelerate poverty alleviation and participate in promoting economic recovery which is being intensively carried out by the government. In addition to social assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provides entrepreneurship assistance and innovates in the provision of assistive devices for persons with disabilities.

"The social assistance is given in order to reduce the expenditure of the beneficiaries. Then we also provide entrepreneurship assistance so that they can increase their financial capacity," said Social Minister Risma.

With the existing legal umbrella, the distribution of social assistance as long as it is carried out is more accelerative. In less than the last week of recess, the House of Representatives Commission VIII together with the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed social assistance channels in several areas.

The value of the assistance varies for each region, for example, assistance for Pangkep Regency is Rp. 32,093,075,000, Kendal Regency is Rp. 65,219,935,000, Ngawi Regency is Rp. 83,822,244,500, Magetan Regency is Rp. 47,338,525,000, and in the Province of Gorontalo Rp. 12,597,345,000.

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