
SERANG – A truck with police number (nopol) T 9375 DG on Jalan Raya Serang-Pandeglang, to be precise in Kemanisan Village, Curug District, Serang City, caught fire on Tuesday, March 8, at around 07.00 WIB.

"It is true that there has been a traffic accident with a burning truck on Tuesday morning at 07.00 WIB, it is suspected that the truck caught fire due to direct contact with the power line," said Director of Lantas Polda Banten Kombes Pol Budi Mulyanto when confirmed via instant message, Tuesday, March 8.

Budi explained that the incident began when the truck driven by WO (36) attached to the road power line. While the cargo carried by the truck is flammable goods.

Stuck in an electric cable, a tronton truck loaded with styrofoam caught fire in Serang Banten/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

"The trolley truck driven by WO drove from Serang to Pandeglang, arrived at the TKP the truck turned left towards the plastic warehouse in Kadongkelan Village. It is suspected that the load of the truck containing Styrofoam was too high so that the cargo stuck and touched the power cable. Due to the flammable cargo , resulting in a fire in the tronton truck," explained Budi.

There were no fatalities in the incident, only material losses that cannot be concluded because officers are still investigating the truck driver.

Budi also added that until now the Banten Police Ditlantas personnel were carrying out security and traffic engineering as a result of the incident.

"Currently our personnel are carrying out security and traffic engineering at the Palima Intersection, due to the fire incident the truck closed the road. The vehicle evacuation process is also being carried out by officers," Budi added.

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