
JAKARTA - The Tambora Police have arrested two dealers of methamphetamine with the initials AM alias Kicot (27) and CM (24). The arrests of the two perpetrators were carried out at a house in the area of Jalan Angke Barat, RT 07/01, Angke Tambora, West Jakarta on Sunday, March 6 yesterday.

"We managed to secure the two perpetrators along with evidence of narcotics shabu as much as 1 large clip package, 2 medium size clip packages and 23 small clip packages with a total gross weight of 43.34 grams," said Tambora Police Chief Commissioner Rosana Albertina Labobar when confirmed, Tuesday. March 8.

The arrests of the two suspects stemmed from public reports related to drug abuse.

Arriving at the location, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tambora Police, AKP Yugo Pambudi, found a target who wanted to conduct drug transactions and immediately carried out a raid. As a result, the police arrested 2 perpetrators including the initials AM als Kicot and CM.

"In addition to drugs, we also found evidence of 1 unit of Samsung brand cellphone, 1 unit of Xiaomi brand cellphone and 1 digital scale which was stored in a black Nike bag," he said.

The perpetrators have prepared the narcotics packages in packages that save methamphetamine from the price of 200 thousand rupiah.

The perpetrators are subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 sub 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

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