
BANDUNG - The mystery of the murder of a woman named Rizna Apriliandhiny alias Nanay Berlyn (21) who was dumped in the bushes in the Arcamanik area, Bandung City, West Java, has finally been revealed.

The Bandung Police Chief, Kombes Aswin Sipayung, named the victim of the murder as his alleged lover.

According to him, the suspect, who is his girlfriend, has the initials DG (33). Aswin suspects that DG killed the victim by strangling the victim's neck while the victim was sleeping.

"The motive at this time is suspected to be jealousy, jealous, they had an argument at the suspect's house," Aswin said at the Bandung Polrestabes, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 8.

Aswin explained that the murder case that continued with the discovery of Nanay Berlyn's body began when DG and Nanay were involved in a dispute about romance. Based on DG's statement, Aswin said it was suspected that the relationship was involved in extramarital affairs.

"Knowing the victim and dating for about two months, and there is a jealous motive between the suspect and the victim," he said.

After being involved in an argument at the perpetrator's house, the perpetrator then asked Nanay to go to a hotel in the Kosambi area, Bandung City, to resolve the problem. In addition, they were accompanied by DG's colleague, namely DP (25) who became another suspect.

However, when they arrived at the hotel, Aswin said they had been drinking until Nanay fell asleep. After Nanay fell asleep, DG then strangled Nanay to death.

"Then after the alleged murder, the bodies of the victims were brought by the two suspects, namely DG and DP, on motorbikes, riding in three," he said.

In a lifeless condition, Nanay's body was then dumped by the two suspects in the bushes near a residential area in Arcamanik District, Bandung City. Residents found Nanay's body for the first time on Thursday, March 3 morning. After being found, Nanay's body was then evacuated to the hospital for identification.

Aswin said the two suspects were suspected of having elements that violated the premeditated murder article. Because, he said, the police suspected that there were a number of preparations made during the incident based on the suspect's statement.

"We see that there is time to prepare for the act of strangling the victim, and we will investigate this whether this can be charged with premeditated murder (Article 340 of the Criminal Code), and its subsidiary Article 338, and Article 351 paragraph 3," he said.

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