
YOGYAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) found allegations of torture against prisoners in prison (WBP) at Class II A Narcotics Correctional Institution in Yogyakarta.

"Violence, torture, and degrading of dignity do occur at the Yogyakarta Class II A Narcotics Prison," said Komnas HAM Monitoring/Investigation Commissioner Mohammad Choirul Anam during a virtual press conference on "Monitoring and Investigation Results" of Yogyakarta Class II A Narcotics Prison, March 7th.

The investigation into the alleged violence in prisons began after a number of ex-convicts complained to the ORI Representatives of Yogyakarta and Central Java on November 1, 2021, regarding the alleged abuse and sexual harassment they experienced.

Based on the results of the investigation, according to Choirul Anam, the alleged practice of torture at the prison in Pakem District, Sleman Regency has indeed occurred since mid-2020.

This practice, according to him, goes hand in hand with efforts to eradicate narcotics use in prisons in a short time with a maximum target.

"Unfortunately, when the intensity (of drug eradication) is very high, what happens is that acts of violence, torture, and degrading appear there," he said.

Regarding who the perpetrator was, Choirul said that there were already prison officers who admitted to committing the act.

"There are officers who admit to beating, kicking, and whipping using a hose, there is. There is a confession about that," he said.

In addition, there are also officers who claim to have witnessed the beating and stripping of new inmates before entering the block.

"Thirdly, there were officers who knew or heard from fellow security forces who were on duty at that time," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Komnas HAM Monitoring and Investigation Team, Wahyu Pratama Tamba, noted nine acts of torture and physical violence against the inmates at the prison, including beatings, both using his bare hands and using tools, such as hoses, cow genital cables, and wood.

"The whipping uses a whip and a ruler, kicks, and is trampled by using PDL shoes," said Wahyu Pratama.

In addition, he continued, Komnas HAM also recorded eight acts of ill-treatment and degrading of dignity, ranging from eating food vomit, drinking urine, washing the face with urine, and shaving or balding hair in a naked position.

According to him, these actions took place at least 16 locations, including Branggang (the first place of inspection when an inmate was just entering prison), isolation blocks during the environmental introduction period (mapenaling), the field, every block of prisoners of WBP, the guidance hall work (bimker), catfish ponds, as well as P2U rooms and block alleys.

"When the torture occurred, when the inmate was just entering the prison within 1-2 days, during the introduction to the environment, and when the inmate committed a violation," he said.

Based on these findings, the Coordinator for Monitoring and Investigation of Komnas HAM, Endang Sri Melani, stated that Komnas HAM recommended that the Minister of Law and Human Rights immediately conduct an examination of anyone who committed or knew about acts of torture but did not take steps to prevent it.

A number of parties are recommended to be investigated, including prison guards, main gate guards, former prison guards, and former KPLP heads for the 2020 period, as well as other related parties.

"If a violation of the law is found, it will be followed up in accordance with the applicable legal provisions," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Correctional Division of the DIY Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Gusti Ayu Putu Suwardani, appreciated the performance of Komnas HAM and was committed to observing the results of the investigation and recommendations from the institution.

"Apologies for the negligence allegedly committed by several officers against several prisoners from the Yogyakarta Narcotics Prison," said Ayu.

The Regional Office of the DIY Ministry of Law and Human Rights, he said, had previously taken steps recommended by Komnas HAM, including conducting an examination of several officers suspected of being involved.

"Transferring five officers who are suspected of committing violence to the Regional Office, assigning temporary officials and rotating several officers to neutralize the situation and conditions," he said.

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