
BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java, lacks civil servants (PNS).

"Currently, the assumption is that a civil servant serves about 350 people. We are still lacking. Apart from the population, another obstacle is the large area," he said in Cibinong Bogor, Antara, Monday, March 7.

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of civil servants in the Bogor Regency Government has decreased by 978 employees in a year, from 16,539 employees to 15,561 employees.

For this reason, Ade Yasin hopes that the central government will continue to open up the acceptance of prospective civil servants (CPNS).

According to him, the burden of the Bogor Regency Government is currently getting heavier because it cannot be arbitrary in appointing temporary employees because it will burden regional finances.

Likewise for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). This is because PPPK salaries are now the responsibility of each region or are no longer covered by the General Allocation Fund (DAU) from the central government.

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