
JAKARTA - The victim of bullying and sexual violence at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) with the initial MS said that he wanted to meet the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) Listyo Sigit Prabowo to directly convey the events that had occurred. -years, I can't sleep because the perpetrators have not been properly punished for what they have done to me,” said MS in a press conference broadcast on the Zoom Meeting platform, monitored from Jakarta, Monday, March 7. MS said that he really wanted to meet the National Police Chief because he saw Sigit as a figure who has a reformative, transformative spirit, and is open to criticism from the public. In addition, he hopes that the Central Jakarta Police can immediately provide developments related to his legal case which is currently rolling in the police.

"Considering that since December 9, 2021, the results of my post-mortem et repertum psychiatry at the Police Hospital have been released and are being held by investigators," he said. until now. MS admitted that he felt anxious and in the last month he had stomach pain due to stress while waiting for his legal status to be promoted to an investigation and the reported was named a suspect. heartburn, insomnia, crying suddenly in the room, anxiety, self-isolation, and frequent thoughts of suicide,” said MS.

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