
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will examine Indra Kenz's lover, Vanessa Khong, regarding the alleged fraud case under the guise of Binomo binary options trading. It is planned that the examination will take place tomorrow.

"Yes, Tuesday (tomorrow, ed) an examination is scheduled," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, to VOI, Monday, March 7.

In addition, Vanessa Khong's parents will also be questioned. In addition, Youtuber Erwin Laisuman is also scheduled for an examination on Tuesday, March 7.

It is suspected that this investigation is related to the investigation of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

"Including IK's future father-in-law," said Whisnu.

Meanwhile, in the Binomo case, the police have named Indra Kenz as a suspect. The determination of the suspect is based on the results of the case title.

In addition, in this case investigators have also confiscated several pieces of evidence, one of which is Indra Kenz's YouTube account.

Indra Kenz was also charged with Article 45 Paragraph 2 Juncto Article 27 Paragraph 2 of the ITE Law. Then Article 45 Paragraph 1 Juncto Article 28 Paragraph 1 UU ITE. Then Article 3 Paragraph 3 Law Number 8 Year 2010 concerning Money Laundering, Article 5 Law Number 8 Year 2010 concerning Money Laundering. Furthermore, Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering and Article 378 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code. Indra Kenz in the Binomo case is threatened with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

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