
JAKARTA - A horrendous story occurred when the COVID-19 vaccination was given in Indonesian territory. An elementary school student turned out to be "resistant" when he was about to be injected with a vaccine.

The video showing the incident has since gone viral on social media. Initially, the incident was thought to have occurred in Lebak, Banten. The kid who is resistant to injections is called children of the Baduy Tribe.

However, this was denied by related parties, including the Head of the Banten Provincial Health Office, Ati Pramuji and the Chief Medical Officer of the Cisimeut Health Center, Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency, Iton Rustandi.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, has not received a report regarding this case. She stated that an incident like this had never happened before.

She also refused to speculate on the cause of the child's immunity to the injection. "This is unpredictable (the cause), we must ask directly what happened," said Siti Nadia to VOI, Sunday, March 6.

When asked if it was possible for the COVID-19 vaccine to be given in a way other than injection, Siti Nadia replied, "No. All vaccines are injected," she said.

Giving the COVID-19 vaccine by injection is considered the most effective. The injection will be made in the arm.

Based on the technical instructions (Juknis) for the injection of the Covid-19 vaccine, it should not be in any place. Must be by intramuscular injection in the upper left arm.

Injections in the arm are believed to increase the body's ability to absorb the vaccine.

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