
JAKARTA - A total of 21 supermoto riders who broke through the Pulo Gebang-Kelapa Gading toll road, some time ago, finally received a ticket from the Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya.

Head of the Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement at the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jamal Alam, said that the supermoto riders were subject to Article 287 paragraph 1 of LLAJ Law No. 22 of 2009. The punishment is a maximum imprisonment of 2 months and or a maximum fine of Rp. 500 thousand.

He added, as many as 21 supermotor vehicles of various brands are still being detained at the Sub-Directorate Office of Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya. The detention of the vehicle as evidence of a ticket.

"We have taken action with a ticket," said Jamal, as reported by Antara.

"Meanwhile, we have detained our vehicle for law enforcement procedures. We have secured it at the Gakkum Sub-Directorate of the Traffic Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya," he continued.

Jamal said there were 28 people involved in the incident. However, only 21 vehicles were confiscated, because there were several people riding in a car.

The drivers were also given guidance by the Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya. They have also made a statement not to repeat his actions.

"The person concerned, based on an agreement from his club friends, has made a statement not to commit the same offense," said Jamal.

On the same occasion, the group of riders who are members of the Jabodetabek Supermoto Otomotif club admitted their mistakes and apologized to the public.

"We apologize for the inconvenience, the news is true, we entered the toll road and we did not know that it was a toll road due to night conditions and did not read the sign," said Reza, as a representative of Supermoto Otomotif Jabodetabek.

As is known, the moment the supermoto group broke into the toll road suddenly went viral on various Instagram social media accounts, one of which was the @recordjakarta account. This action occurred on February 26 last.

"A group of supermoto riders crossed the Kelapa Gading-Pulo Gebang Toll Road on Saturday, February 26, 202, at around 03.00 WIB. The group of supermoto riders allegedly barged in through the toll gate near the Cakung Market T-junction, East Jakarta," reads the narrative accompanying the upload.

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