
MEDAN - As many as 89 illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) failed to leave for Malaysia. They were arrested by the Directorate of Air and Water Police (Ditpolairud) of the North Sumatra Police (North Sumatra) on Friday, March 4.

The Director of the North Sumatran Air and Water Police, Kombes Pol. Toni Ariadi Effendi, said the illegal workers had to spend between Rp. 4 million and Rp. 15 million to be able to work in Malaysia.

"The furthest from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is up to Rp. 15 million, but there is Rp. 12 million because he was taken by plane first and then to the ship. Those from North Sumatra paid Rp. 6 million," he said in a written statement, Saturday, March 5, quoted from Antara.

To the police, the illegal PMI candidates admitted that they would be employed as coolies and plantation workers in Malaysia.

"There (Malaysia) there are various kinds of work. But if he doesn't have a valid document, it's usually construction work, coolies or in plantation areas that are far from the crowds of people," he said.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Hadi Wahyudi, explained that the 89 illegal PMIs were arrested in different locations. Those arrested came from various regions such as NTB, East Java, Lampung, Bengkulu, Jambi and North Sumatra.

"First, the police arrested 86 illegal PMIs on February 1, 2022 in Sei Salang Olang waters, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra," he said.

Hadi said the police arrested six suspects, consisting of the ship's captain and crew members. Then, the second arrest was made on January 23, 2022 in the vicinity of Kwala Bagan, Asahan Regency.

Furthermore, he said, the police arrested three illegal PMIs. They were arrested when the wooden boat they were traveling on was intercepted by personnel from the North Sumatra Police's Ditpolairud.

"In that incident the police arrested nine suspects consisting of the captain of the wooden boat and the crew of the ship," he added.

In addition to arresting nine suspects for sending illegal workers, the police are still hunting for seven other people who are on the wanted list (DPO). They are suspected of acting as shipping agents.

Currently, 89 illegal PMIs who were arrested have been returned to their respective villages, while the perpetrators of sending PMIs are now being detained.

The captains and crew of the ship were charged with the Law on Indonesian Migrant Workers.

"The captain and crew of the ship violated Article 82.83 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, which carries a 10-year sentence and a fine of up to Rp15 billion," he said.

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