
JAKARTA - A video clip of Putri Una Astari Thamrin or known as DJ Una performing at Sidrap, South Sulawesi, has gone viral. From TikTok to Instagram, they share video footage with tens of millions of saweran narratives but violate health protocols.

Putri Una aka DJ Una responded casually to the hectic attention about her performing at Sidrap South Sulawesi.

"Anything else went viral, right? Why are you busy, guys…," said DJ Una in an upload on Putriuna's Instagram account.

Meanwhile, the police, quoted by VOI from detikSulsel, said they would check DJ Uno's viral video.

"I'll check first," said Chief of Police Sidrap AKBP Ponco Indriyo.

The same thing was conveyed by Kasatpol PP and Sidrap Usman Regency Fire Department. They are currently investigating the viral video.

"I have ordered the Head of Trantib (Public Order and Order) Satpol PP to check the cafe in question," he said, quoted by detikSulsel.

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