
BATURAJA - The Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police Resort, South Sumatra (South Sumatra) returned 4 tons of cooking oil found in a warehouse in Sekar Jaya Village, East Baturaja District. Returns are made because they are not proven as hoarded goods.

OKU Police Chief AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo explained that his party was forced to return 210 jerry cans containing 4 tons of Sovia brand cooking oil which had been secured at the OKU Police Headquarters, because the results of the investigation did not lead to hoarding.

His party has examined several witnesses, including the owner of the goods, namely a resident of Baturaja with the initials (AA), two transportation workers, three buyers and the South Sumatra Province Industry and Trade Service and distributor of PT MAP Palembang.

"The results of the investigation determined that AA's status as the owner of the goods was not a suspect, because his status was an employee of PT MAP Palembang who had worked for three months as a marketing salesperson for cooking oil," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 5.

So far, AA has sold 56 jerry cans of oil to tofu, cracker and fried food manufacturers in Baturaja City.

In other words, AA's actions cannot be said to be hoarding in accordance with Article 11 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Presidential Regulation Number 71 of 2015 concerning the determination of basic necessities and essential goods.

However, he said, the violation found in the case of the cooking oil finding was only related to the administration regarding the selling price exceeding the Highest Retail Price (HET).

"Therefore, all evidence that has been secured will be returned to the owner for distribution to stalls and sellers at the OKU Regency market," he said.

The owner of the 4 tons of cooking oil will only receive an administrative sanction which will be given by the Industry and Trade Office of the region.

"The sanction is in the form of a warning. If this case is repeated, a written sanction will be given, even a license revocation," he said.

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