
BATURAJA - Ogan Komering Ulu Resort Police (OKU Police), South Sumatra (Sumsel) Police during the 2022 Musi Firearms Operation secured six illegal firearms obtained from the proceeds of crime until they were handed over independently by residents.

OKU Police Chief AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo explained that each of the firearms seized consisted of three long-barreled locks and three revolvers and their ammunition.

"We confiscated one weapon each from the target operation (TO) and one from non-TO. While the other four were handed over by the community to the police officers independently," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 5.

The TO firearms, he said, were confiscated from the suspect with the initials A (34), a resident of Sekar Jaya Village, OKU Regency, and non TO from AP (38), a resident of Sribunga Village, Bangsa Raja District, East OKU.

"These two illegal firearms are still being tested in a laboratory in Palembang," he said.

He said the Musi Firearms Operation was held in an effort to reduce the crime rate using illegal firearms in OKU District.

In this operation, his party mobilized dozens of members who were spread in a number of crime-prone areas to anticipate criminal acts using firearms.

"Even though the two-week operation has ended, we still urge the public to voluntarily surrender their firearms so they don't get criminal sanctions," he said.

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