
MEDAN - The Sibolga Police are investigating an alleged attempt to arson a resident of Muhammad Yusuf (65), a resident of Jalan S Parman, Pasar Behind Village, Sibolga City by an unknown person.

"The victim was burned in front of the furniture warehouse belonging to Kamaruddin Batubara, Friday morning, at around 03.00 WIB," said Sibolga Police Chief AKBP Taryono Raharja, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 4.

Taryono said that at that time Muhammad Yusuf was guarding the furniture warehouse belonging to Kamaruddin and while the victim was sleeping, suddenly an unknown person poured gasoline and set Muhammad Yusuf on fire.

"Then the victim screamed for help and the public came to the scene. Seeing the condition of the victim who was already on fire, residents tried to extinguish the fire from the victim's body," he said.

The police chief said that the community then took the victim to the Metta Medika Sibolga Hospital for medical treatment.

"As a result of the incident the victim suffered burns on the body," he said.

Meanwhile, the Sibolga Police Chief, AKBP Taryono Raharja, accompanied by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP D. Harahap and Bhabinkamtibmas, Pasar Behind Village, Bripka Elsa Suhendra, went to the scene of the case (TKP) and visited the victim at the Sibolga Meta Medika Hospital.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the Sibolga Police, AKP R. Sormin, confirmed that he had received the report of the arson, and was in the process of being investigated by the Satreskrim of the Sibolga Police.

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