
JAKARTA - A fisherman was tossed about in the middle of the sea after his boat had a propeller loose. Luckily he was saved.

The Kendari Basarnas confirmed that fishermen who had their propellers loose when setting fish traps around the waters of Karang Kapota, Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi were rescued.

"The boat that was carrying a fisherman named La Gele (34) and the propeller fell off was rescued by the SAR team," said the head of the Kendari Basarnas, Aris Sofingi in a written statement received by the Kendari Basarnas Public Relations, Friday, March 4, quoted from Antara.

The victim was found safe at about 6.9 nautical miles northwest of the estimated location of the accident (LKK).

"After being found by the Wakatobi SAR Post Rescue Team, the victim was then evacuated to the People's Harbor of Numana Village to be handed over to the family," said Aris.

Previously, the victim was reported to have left from Numana Village to the Karang Kapota waters area to set a trap (fish trap) on Friday (4/3) at around 11.00 WITA.

However, at 13.00 WITA the propeller of the victim's boat fell off so that it could no longer continue to its destination.

The victim had tried to paddle, but the current around the accident site was very strong, so the victim contacted the family in his village to contact Basarnas.

Aris said the victim, La Gela, 34, was a resident of Numana Village, Wangi-Wangi Selatan District, Wakatobi Regency.

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