
BANDUNG - The acting Mayor of Bandung Yana Mulyana was officially proposed by the Bandung City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) to definitively fill the position of Mayor of Bandung in the remaining 2018-2023 term.

Yana, who previously served as Deputy Mayor of Bandung, is currently serving as Acting Mayor of Bandung, filling the position left by the late Oded M Danial. Yana's nomination as Mayor of Bandung coincided with her dismissal as Deputy Mayor of Bandung.

"This is a mechanism that must be taken from the city (government) to the governor. Later from the Governor proposed to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Later, the Ministry of Home Affairs will ask the Governor to inaugurate," Yana said in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Friday, March 4.

Currently, the Bandung City Government and Bandung City DPRD are waiting for further policies from the Governor of West Java and also the central government regarding Yana's proposal to become the definitive Mayor of Bandung.

"Both the City Government and the Bandung City DPRD have carried out according to regulations (regarding the proposal to become mayor)," Yana said.

However, Yana has not been able to confirm the schedule for her to be inaugurated as the definitive Mayor of Bandung. So far, he said he was following the applicable regulations regarding the change of position.

In addition, Yana also has not been able to confirm the figure of her companion to fill the position of Deputy Mayor of Bandung until the end of her term of office. Later, it was rumored that cadres from PKS would fill the position according to the previous coalition.

However, Member of the Bandung City DPRD from the PKS faction, Sandi Muharam, admitted that so far he is still coordinating with the Gerindra Party as Yana's supporter to be able to propose his cadres to fill the position of Deputy Mayor of Bandung.

"Although there are dynamics, we see that it is something that is natural, and the deadline for the appointment of a deputy mayor is March 23, as a party, we follow the existing process," said Sandi.

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