
JAKARTA - Chair of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani said Indonesia's support for the United Nations General Assembly (UN) Resolution, which deplores Russia's aggression against Ukraine, is in accordance with the country's constitution.

"The government's attitude is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution which mandates that Indonesia participate in carrying out world order, which is based on independence, eternal peace and social justice," said Puan in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, March 4.

The DPR, he said, also agreed with the Government in supporting the UN General Assembly Resolution regarding Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Puan also appreciated the Government's attitude in signing the UN Resolution.

The United Nations General Assembly, Wednesday, March 2, adopted a resolution demanding Russia to immediately withdraw from Ukraine.

The resolution adopted by 141 of 181 countries demands a resolution in the harshest terms for Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Puan also said that independence is the right of all nations. Therefore, all forms of colonialism in the world must be abolished, because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.

According to Puan, a firm stance from world countries should have been issued, even though the UN Resolution is not legally binding.

Puan said the UN resolution supported by Indonesia also asked Russia to immediately stop using military force against Ukraine without any conditions. The resolution acts as a reflection of international opinion on Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

"Surely the resolution is in accordance with the contents of the United Nations Charter, which is determined to save future generations from the disaster of war, because war brings unspeakable suffering to humanity," he said.

The UN Charter also demands that all its members practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another.

Puan also reminded that UN countries, including Indonesia, have an obligation to maintain world peace and security.

"The UN charter also mandates its members to accept the principles and methods that armed force should not be used and guarded for the public interest," he explained.

The UN resolution regarding Russia's aggression against Ukraine is in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, so it is only natural for Indonesia to provide support. Indonesia does adhere to the non-aligned principle, but Indonesia's free and active foreign policy must be interpreted correctly, he added.

According to him, freedom means being unfettered in determining attitudes and policies towards international issues, while active means that Indonesia participates in resolving conflicts, disputes, and other world problems.

"This is done for the sake of realizing world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice," he said.

The meaning of Indonesia's free and active foreign policy is stated in Law Number 37 of 1999 concerning Foreign Relations, which explains that free and active is a foreign policy which in essence is not a neutral policy.

The meaning of being free and active according to Law Number 37 of 1999 is a foreign policy that is free to determine attitudes and policies towards international problems and does not bind itself a priori to one world power.

Actively, Indonesia contributes, both in the form of thought and active participation, in resolving conflicts, disputes, and other world problems.

It aims to achieve world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice, in accordance with the constitution or the mandate of the 1945 Constitution.

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