
MATARAM - The Appellate Judge of the West Nusa Tenggara High Court increased the verdict of the defendant Dedi Supriadi to 6 years in the corruption case of the physical project construction of a typical Sasak performing arts stage, peresean in Sesait Village, North Lombok Regency. 5.5 years to 6 years in prison," said Mataram District Court Corruption Court Spokesperson Resa Syukur in Mataram, Friday, March 4. The appeal decision was determined last Tuesday (1/3), with decision number 2/PID.TPK/2022/PT MTR. The decision on the appeal of the defendant Dedi Supriadi was determined by the Panel of Judges led by Miniardi together with members Mas'ud and Rodjai S. Irawan. In the appeal decision, the judge stated that he had accepted the request for an appeal from the Public Prosecutor and Legal Counsel for the Defendant and corrected the Corruption Court's Decision at the District Court. Mataram Number 11/Pid.Sus.Tpk/2021/PN.Mtr, dated January 6, 2022. From the material for which the appeal was filed, the Panel of Judges only corrected the sentence imposed on the defendant to 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million. If the fine is not paid, it will be replaced with imprisonment for 6 months," he said.

For the burden of compensating for state losses, there is no change. Dedi Supriadi is still charged with paying replacement money based on expert calculations of Rp. 1.015 billion, subsidiary to 2 years in prison. Previously, at the first instance court, Dedi Supriadi was sentenced to 5.5 years or 5 years and 6 months in prison with a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison. In a first-level court decision, Dedi was found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in his capacity as village secretary throughout the 2019 budget management period. Dedi was stated to have carried out a number of activities outside of his main duties. The defendant was also proven to have taken money from the budget. village in 2019 and put it into a personal account. The money was used for a series of activities outside of its main duties so that it was not in accordance with its accountability. The judge also stated that the act was carried out continuously until he saw it as an ongoing act. From these considerations, the judge declared the defendant guilty of violating Article 2 Paragraph (1) Juncto Article 18 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code as described in the primary indictment of the Public Prosecutor. sources of village funding in 2019. The judge stated that Sesait Village in that year received an injection of Rp.4.125 billion. The source of the budget came from the center worth Rp. 2,450 billion and from the regional government of Rp. 1,439 billion, as well as revenue from sharing taxes and levies. area of Rp. 235.1 million. The budget is used to run several programs ram physical and non-physical work. One of the things that made Dedi Supriadi sit on the court inmate's chair, was the physical project for the construction of the Sasak performing arts stage, namely peresean. The value is Rp. 640 million. However, from the management of the village funds, the findings of the North Lombok Regency Inspectorate emerged. There is a value of Rp. 759.13 million which cannot be accounted for. From an audit of "actual loss", state losses have increased to more than Rp. 1 billion. This arises from physical project work that does not meet specifications and several non-physical activities that are allegedly fictitious. Including the construction of a research stage that has not been used but has collapsed.

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