
JAKARTA - Bogor Resort Police will immediately return 56 vehicles resulting from the crime of motor vehicle theft (curanmor) to their owners. If anyone feels lost, report it immediately.

"We urge people who feel (their vehicles) have been stolen, please contact the Bogor Police, bring proof of ownership to be matched with existing evidence (vehicles)," said Bogor Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin when exposing the theft case at the Police Headquarters, Cibinong, Regency. Bogor, West Java, Wednesday, March 2, quoted from Antara.

Iman also symbolically handed over one stolen motorbike and one pick-up car to the owner during the exposure. According to him, the 56 stolen vehicles consisted of 48 motorbikes, seven cars and one bus. Dozens of these vehicles were confiscated from 68 robbery suspects who were arrested by the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit during the Lodaya Vehicle Crime Operation (Jaran) on 17-26 February 2022.

"We were able to secure 68 perpetrators of theft of motor vehicle with 50 police reports registered in the criminal database of the Bogor Police," explained Iman.

He mentioned that the majority of the theft suspects carried out their actions by breaking through the keyholes of both motorbikes and cars using the "T" key.

The suspects are threatened with being subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code, Article 480 of the Criminal Code and the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, with a minimum sentence of seven years and a maximum of 20 years.

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