
PAMEKASAN - Officers from the Regional Disaster Management Agency, TNI, Polri, and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) with assistance from members of the Regional Disaster Management Volunteer Forum began evacuating residents affected by flooding in Jungcangcang Village, Pamekasan District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java.

In the Jungcangcang Village area, the flood caused inundation as high as 50 cm to one meter, and even up to two meters at some points.

"We prioritize the evacuation of the elderly, children, and pregnant women," said Pamekasan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Quick Response Team Coordinator Budi Cahyono at the disaster site, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1.

Officers evacuated residents from flooded areas using rubber boats belonging to BPBD Pamekasan Regency.

Residents whose houses were flooded were then transported using a Civil Service Police Unit truck to the main post for disaster management in the Arek Lancor Monument area, Pamekasan.

"Meanwhile, we will place it at the Disaster Emergency Main Command Post in Arek Lancor," said Budi.

A resident of Jungcangcang Village, Siti Hasanah (67), said that the water started to enter her yard after dawn and at around 09.00 WIB the puddle was as high as an adult's stomach.

"If the officers didn't help me, I might still be trapped there," Hasanah said.

Siti Hasanah is one of 10 residents who have been evacuated by officers to the main post for disaster management in the Arek Lancor Monument area.

Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds that occurred from Monday (28/2) night until Tuesday morning caused river water to overflow and flood residents' settlements in several sub-districts in Pamekasan Regency.

Floods hit parts of the sub-districts of Palengaan, Pamekasan, Pademawu, Proppo, and Galis.

In Palengaan District, floods hit the villages of Potoan Dajah, Potoan Laok, Rombuh, and Palengaan Dajah. Floods also hit the Villages of Jungcangcang, Patemon, Parteker, Gladak Anyar, and parts of Kolpajung in Pamekasan District.

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