
JAKARTA - How are your activities on this 2022 Isra' Mi'raj celebration holiday? For those of you who will carry out activities outside the home, it is better to listen to the weather forecast from BMKG. Some areas are predicted to rain and cloudy.

Weather for 34 provincial capitals from the western side of Indonesia, the weather conditions in the cities of Medan, Pekanbaru Tanjung Pinang and Pangkal Pinang will experience light to moderate rain. Meanwhile, in the city of Aceh, it is necessary to watch out for the potential for rain accompanied by lightning. This was reported from the official BMKG website as published on Twitter @BMKG.

Still on the island of Sumatra, the weather is predicted to be cloudy, while light to moderate rain will occur in the cities of Padang and Palembang. It is necessary to be aware of the potential for rain in the cities of Jambi and Lampung.

Still in southern Indonesia, the weather conditions in Serang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Yogyakarta are predicted to rain with light to heavy intensity. It is also necessary to watch out for the potential for rain accompanied by lightning for those of you who are in Surabaya.

For the Bali area, especially the cities of Denpasar, Mataram and Kupang, the weather is predicted to rain with light to moderate intensity.

What is the weather forecast for big cities in the Kalimantan region, the weather in Palangka and Tanjung Selor? According to the BMKG's observations, it can rain with light intensity. Meanwhile, for those of you who are in Pontianak, the weather is predicted to be cloudy. It is necessary to watch out for the potential for thunderstorms in Banjarmasin.

For the central part of Indonesia, in general, the weather in Gorontalo City is predicted to be sunny and cloudy, in the cities of Palu, Mamuju Makassar and Manado, include light to moderate intensity.

What is the weather prediction on the eastern side of Indonesia? Rain with light to moderate intensity is predicted to occur in the cities of Ternate, Manokwari and Jayapura. Meanwhile, for those of you who are in Ambon City, the weather is predicted to be thickly cloudy.

Thus the weather forecast from BMKG, hopefully it can be a guide for those of you who will carry out outdoor activities on the 2022 Isra Mi'raj holiday.

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