
TULUNGAGUNG - Tulungagung Police Chief AKBP Handono Subiakto said that the death toll from the bus accident versus the Rapih Dhoho train at a railroad crossing without a gate in Ketanon Village, Tulungagung, East Java, increased by one person. So that the total death toll is five. "One victim who was evacuated to the dr. Iskak Hospital this morning finally died after receiving medical emergency treatment," said Tulungagung Police Chief AKBP Handono Subiakto, quoting Antara, Sunday, February 27.

Previously informed, the number of victims of this accident amounted to four people. However, said the Police Chief, one victim followed while undergoing medical treatment. The victims who died at the scene were all passengers sitting in the back seat. The first point of impact the bus was hit by the Rapih Dhoho train which was traveling from Tulungagung Station towards Kediri. Those who died at the scene were Intan Wulandari (20), Evi Mafidatul Afifah (32) Mustainah (50) and Faizal Nuriansyah (20). Meanwhile, one victim who died in the emergency room at RSUD dr. Iskak was identified as Margono Hadi Santoso (20). "A total of 14 were being treated at the emergency room at the RSUD dr. Iskak, one of whom died during a medical emergency due to severe brain injury," said dr. Furqon Ahmadi, doctor on duty at the ER at dr Iskak Tulungagung Hospital. As of this writing, there are still 12 victims being treated in the ER (10 in the Yellow Zone, two in the Red Zone), one other victim underwent surgery in the integrated operating room and one the other lightly injured victims were allowed to go home.

The KA Rapih Dhoho vs. PO Harapan Jaya tourism bus accident occurred at around 05.00 WIB at a railroad crossing without a gate in Ketanon Village, Tulungagung Regency. At that time there were three Harapan Jaya buses that departed with plastic shop employees not far from the scene of the incident, heading towards Malang to travel on the Jatim Park tourist vehicle 5. The first bus passes safely. However, it was the turn of the second bus to enter the crossing, at the same time the Rapih Dhoho KA from the south was speeding at a moderate speed. The bus driven by Septianto Dani Setiawan was said to have tried to speed up the bus. The bus was hit by a train, causing the bus body to bounce 10 meters and turning 180 degrees facing west. about 41 passengers. Plus the headman and driver, bringing the total to 43 people. Following are the names of the victims who were injured or died. Bus Driver Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an SEPTIANTO DHANY ISTYAWAN , Lk, 34 years old, Private, Rt 03 Rw 01 Ds. Mulyosari District. Pagerwojo Kab. Great help. (Injuries).2. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an KAYATIN, Pr, 40 years old, Private, Rt. 01 Rw. 01 Ds.Ketanon Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)3. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an ELSA KRISTIN TRIANA, Pr, 16 years old, Private, Kel. Kepatihan Kec./Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)4. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an MASROKIM, Lk, 28 years old, Private, Rt. 03 Rw. 05 Ds.Boro Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)5. Passengers Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an SRI UTAMI, Pr, 44 years old, Private, Rt. 02 Rw. 01 Ds.Ketanon Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)6. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an FURI AULIA WANDIRA, Pr, 08 years old, Student, Rt. 03 Rw. 05 Ds.Boro Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)7. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an IDA SUSANTI, Pr, 33 years old, Private, Rt. 03 Rw. 05 Ds.Boro Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)8. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an MAHMUD SAYUTI, Lk, 49 years old, Private, Ds.ketanon Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)9. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an ENDANG SULISTYORINI, Pr, 30 years old, Private, Dsn. Puhpluwang Ds. Ngetrep Kec. Kab. Kediri. (Injuries)10. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an AISYAH AZAHRA, Pr, 09 years old, Student, Ds.Boro Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (Injuries)11. Passengers Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an GUNTUR, Lk, 35 years old, Private, Ds. Batangsaren Kec. Kab. Tulungagung. (wounds)12. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an ALFIAN AL HAFIZ, Lk, 05 years old, Student, Dsn. Puhluwang Ds. Ngetrep district. /Regency. Kediri (Injured)13. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an ROHMANTO, Lk, 50 years old, Private, Ds. Ketanon district. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung (Injured)14. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an FANDA SAPUTRA, LK, 25 th, Private, Jl. Rt Station. 02 Rw. 02 Ds. Ketanon district. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung (Injured)15. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an INTAN WULANDARI, Pr, 20 years old, Private, Ds.Gedingan Kec. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (MD TKP)16. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an EVI MAFIDATUL AFIFAH, Pr, 32 years old, Private, Ds. Batangsaren district. Kab. Tulungagung. (MD TKP)17. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an MUSTAINAH, Pr, 50 years old, Private, Ds. Ketanon district. Kedungwaru Kab. Tulungagung. (MD TKP)18. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an FAIZAL NURIANSYAH, Lk, 20 years old, Private, Rt.06 Rw.02 Dsn. Genengan Ds. Punjul Kec. Karangrejo Kab. Tulungagung. (MD TKP)19. Passenger Bus Harapan Jaya AG 7679 US an MARGONO HADI SANTOSO, LK, 20 years old, Swasta, Kel. Bago district. / Regency. Tulungagung. (MD Treatment).*

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