
TANGERANG - Deputy Chairperson of the Banten Province Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) M Nawa Said Dimyati requested that the rules regarding the use of loudspeakers in Muslim houses of worship (mosques) be returned to local wisdom in their respective regions. have to arrange it, regarding the sound of the prayer prayer or loudspeakers for places of worship, let local wisdom solve it as a form of our respect for local customs," he said in a written statement received in Tangerang, Friday, February 25. In Indonesia, it would be better if the regulation on loudspeakers in places of worship issued by the Ministry of Religion should be left to the local wisdom of each region.

"Not everything can be regulated directly by the state, because various regions in Indonesia have different characteristics or habits," he said. In addition, he believes that the Minister of Religion does not intend to insult Islam as viewed by various parties. not quite right so that it can be misinterpreted by various parties. He also hopes that the Minister of Religion will immediately clarify and apologize to the public for the polemics that occur against religious people. Nawa said, don't let this polemic continue. "I believe there was no intention from the Minister of Religion to insult his own religion, but the choice of words used to explain this problem is very easy to be misunderstood by various parties and has the potential to strengthen identity politics in the community. For that I pray, hopefully Gus Minister will immediately clarify and apologize to the public," he said. Previously, the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 5 of 2022 regarding guidelines for using loudspeakers in mosques and prayer rooms. In this letter, it regulates the use of time and power from loudspeakers in mosques and prayer rooms. In fact, the Circular of the Minister of Religion regarding the guidelines for loudspeakers or prayers for mosques and prayer rooms has become a big polemic for people who are Muslim with various perspectives.

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