
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) concluded that there had been an excessive deployment of police officers against the residents of Wadas Village, Purworejo, Central Java on Tuesday, February 8.

This was conveyed by Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara when announcing the findings of an investigation into alleged acts of violence that occurred during the land surveying process in Wadas Village.

"Based on factual findings, analysis of events, and analysis of human rights, it can be concluded that on February 8, there was an excessive use of force by the Central Java Police, which was marked by the deployment of large numbers of personnel and acts of violence during the arrest process. ," said Beka in a press conference that was broadcast online, Thursday, February 24.

Beka also said that there had been a denial of the right to Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) before the violent incident occurred. Komnas HAM stated that the residents of Wadas Village have the right to give or withhold their consent to any andesite rock quarry project, which has the potential to have an impact on their land, livelihoods and environment.

Next, this institution also mentioned the lack of information dissemination on the construction of the Bener Dam. This then triggers tensions between communities.

In fact, as a result of this condition, the Wadas residents experienced estrangement in social relations. "They are divided into two groups, namely residents who support quarry mining and those who reject mining," said Beka.

Komnas HAM also said that there had been a neglect of the right to protection to the right to justice and a sense of security. Beka said that the attitude of residents' rejection of andesite mining should be respected and not treated excessively by the police.

"There is a violation of the right to obtain justice and the right to a sense of security of the community. Against a number of residents who refused, there were arrests accompanied by violence by the police in the task of securing land measurement on February 8, 2022 in Wadas," he said.

Finally, Beka said that this violent incident had an impact on the community in Wadas Village. They experience physical injuries and trauma where children and women are a vulnerable group

"There is a neglect of children's rights to be treated differently from adults when dealing with legal processes (arrests, ed) and future guarantees not to be involved in witnessing and experiencing excessive actions by the police, at the same time there is still neglect or non-fulfillment of the rights of citizens who are arrested by the police. " he concluded.

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