
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said mitigation of disaster risk management and post-disaster recovery efforts in Indonesia must remain a priority program, in accordance with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). as commitments in the 2020-2024 RPJMN related to the environment, disaster resilience and climate change," said the Vice President in his remarks when closing the 2022 National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Disaster Management through a video conference from Jakarta, Thursday, February 24. Referring to the World Risk Index data In 2020, the Vice President said that Indonesia was in the 40th position among 181 disaster-prone countries. Meanwhile, according to data from the Ministry of Finance for 2020, the average burden that must be borne to deal with natural and non-natural disasters every year reached IDR 22.8 trillion. In addition, in terms of fatalities, in the period 2016 to 2020 there are t 30 million people were displaced, 29 thousand people were injured, and seven thousand people died and were missing due to disasters. Several types of disasters that often occur in Indonesia include extreme weather, earthquakes, floods and landslides. The four types of disasters are closely related to the issue of the climate crisis, so climate disaster mitigation is also very necessary, he said. "Looking at the condition and geographical location of Indonesia, mapping of climate and disaster risks is absolutely necessary. a multi-disciplinary approach," he explained. On the same occasion, the Vice President also explained that currently there are several policy instruments as capital for better disaster risk management. The instrument is the Master Plan for Disaster Management (RIPB), as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2020, which has provided a long-term disaster management roadmap until 2044. In terms of budgeting, Indonesia also has a Joint Disaster Management Fund, as a form of the spirit of mutual cooperation in financing disaster risk. As for local governments, he continued, there are also Minimum Service Standards. as measure n minimal disaster services that must be provided to the community. With this initial capital, the Vice President requested that all available instruments be optimized for integrated implementation. in an integrated manner. Therefore, all parties should work together to contribute their best so that the nation's resilience in dealing with disasters is truly realized. Of course, we remember that disasters are a shared business," he said. Closing his remarks, the Vice President hoped that the 2022 National Coordination Meeting for Disaster Management could produce concrete formulations and bring benefits to all Indonesian people. and resolving disaster management crises in various parts of Indonesia, would be an invaluable practice. Furthermore, the synergy across pentahelix elements must always be developed for the realization of disaster resilience for the benefit of all Indonesian people," he explained. According to the President's direction, the emphasis is on disaster prevention, work culture, collaboration, use of technology, and the implementation of education to the public. It supports what is now and in the past is our challenge. We already have a master plan to reach Golden Indonesia 2045," said Suharyanto. On this occasion, a memorandum of understanding was also signed between BNPB and several relevant stakeholders, such as BNPB and the University of West Sulawesi regarding the Tridarma of Higher Education in disaster management; BNPB and the Coordinating Ministry in the field of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) regarding Collaborative Disaster Management in the context of Strengthening Human Development and Culture, and BNPB with the Central Leadership (PP) Muhammadiyah regarding Collaborative Disaster Strengthening.

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