
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) questioned the police regarding the case of a prisoner who died with bruises on his body at the North Lubuklinggau Police Sector, South Sumatra. must be protected by the state, among others, free from torture," said Deputy Chairman of LPSK Maneger Nasution in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday 24 February. Nasution explained that the obligation to protect was in line with the National Police Chief Regulation (Perkap) Number 08 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Principles and Standards of Human Rights in the Implementation of Polri's Duties. This includes the National Police Chief's Regulation Number 4 of 2005 concerning the Management of Detainees at the Indonesian National Police Detention Center. As reported , Hermanto (45), a resident of Lubukling North gau II Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra died while being detained at the North Lubuklinggau Police. When they found the victim's body at the hospital, the family saw that the victim had bruising, broken neck, legs, nose and cracked lips. Nasution thought it was normal for the family to then questioned the cause of death of the victim. Moreover, at the time of the incident the victim was under the responsibility of the police.

"How can someone who is under the responsibility of the police die without any cause," he said. For this incident, LPSK urges that the incident of Hermanto's death in North Lubuklinggau Police custody be thoroughly investigated. If it is proven that there was an act that led to torture by unscrupulous members, then the legal process must be immediately processed. and South Sumatra to pay attention to the case. "Law and justice must still be upheld for anyone and any position," he said.

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