
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin proposed that the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) be postponed. Because according to him, economic improvement should not be disturbed by the election contestation.

He found this after receiving input from MSME players and analysts regarding the economic prospects this year. "From my visit to the region and seeing the positive prospects going forward, this good momentum in the future should not be ignored. Therefore, I see that in 2024 the elections that we plan to hold in February, do not let the good economic prospects it was disrupted because of the election," said Cak Imin at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23.

In fact, said Cak Imin, his proposal will be submitted to the leaders of other political parties and the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo. Yes, we'll see if it can be postponed or not," he said.

However, Cak Imin's proposal was rejected by both coalition and opposition political parties and even political observers. Then how is the response?


Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Rifqinizamy Karsayuda, regretted that the statement by the Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the PKB faction, Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin, proposed that the 2024 election be postponed.

According to Rifqi, the statement by the general chairman of the PKB violated the agreement made by the DPR with the government and the KPU-Bawaslu that the Simultaneous Elections covering the Pilleg and Presidential Elections would be held on February 14, 2024.

"Regarding the statement by Muhaimin Iskandar who proposed the postponement of the 2024 General Election, I think that statement certainly violates the agreement that has been decided by the government, election organizers and the DPR regarding voting day on February 14, 2024," Rifqi told reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

Meanwhile the Simultaneous Pilkada agreed to be held in November 2024. "Where the PKB faction is part of the agreement which is a joint decision," he continued.

Therefore, the PDIP Legislator for the South Kalimantan Dapil considered that Cak Imin's proposal did not need to be followed up. So that there will be no noise in the community regarding the election, especially now the focus is on preparing for the 2024 General Election.

"Cak Imin's discourse does not need to be continued so that there is no polemic in the public," said Rifqi.

"Because now it is better for us to focus on compiling the stages, including filling various normative voids. Both in PKPU and Perbawaslu so that the 2024 elections will be better in order to produce a new national leadership," he added.


The chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, said that his party would consistently follow the constitutional rules in which elections are held every five years and the presidential term of office is a maximum of two terms. "PKS will consistently fight according to the constitution. Elections are held every five years and a maximum of two terms for the presidency," said Mardani when contacted, Wednesday, February 23. Moreover, said Mardani, the general elections so far have never interfered with the course of development. He reminded that if the intention of power is longer it is dangerous, especially for democracy. "Election so far has never interfered with development. It is the intention to stay in power for a longer period of time that can disrupt the democratic process in our country," he said. Furthermore, Mardani emphasized that an authoritarian regime would emerge starting with such a long time in power. For that, he assessed that all must obey the rules of the constitution. "All authoritarian regimes initially emerged because of a long time in power. Therefore, the constitution strictly limits two periods and elections are held every five years," he said.


Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, regretted Muhaimin's proposal. He considered that Cak Imin had become a part of the oligarchs to push for the postponement of the election.

"He seems to have pawned his party for his personal interests," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23. According to Jamiluddin, the reason for the postponement of the 2024 General Election so that economic recovery will not be disrupted is also very unreasonable. Because, he said, as long as Joko Widodo was president, economic growth had never reached 7 percent, as is often promised. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Jamiluddin explained, economic growth was in the range of 5 percent. "There is no belief that economic growth will improve if the election is postponed. In fact, with the postponement of the election, it is feared that political stability will be disrupted," he said. "If that happens, then economic reform will be disrupted. Because trust issues will burden the Jokowi government," he continued. Therefore, according to Jamiluddin, the best way is to continue holding elections in 2024. Because through this election the people will have new hope in choosing a president who can improve the economy. beloved country. Give them a chance by holding elections according to the time set by the constitution," he said.

Jamiluddin suggested that Cak Imin obey the constitution which stipulates that elections are held every 5 years. "Cak Imin must obey the constitution, not even side with the oligarchs. And that's if Cak Imin doesn't want to get angry from the children of the country," he said.

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