
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has opened a complaint channel regarding service constraints for confirmed COVID-19 patients who are undergoing health recovery in self-isolation at number 081110500567.

"Because there are still many who ask for telemedicine, they don't get WhatsApp messages, they are not registered in the isoman packages, the drugs have not been sent and so on, we have opened another complaint channel, the Ministry of Health's WhatsApp," said Expert Staff of the Minister of Health for Health Technology, Setiaji, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 22 February.

He said the complaint channel with a blue tick at the end of the number was an official facility provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

The guide to using the service can be started by sending a short message such as "Hello, Hi" and so on to get a reply from the operator containing the message "welcome to the official WhatsApp of the Indonesian Ministry of Health", then click the main menu.

"Later there will be a menu to provide complaint services starting from vaccination data, vaccine certificates, PeduliLindung applications, QR codes (bar codes) and the latest is isoman telemedicine," he said.

He explained that people who experience problems in the isoman service process such as unregistered Population Identification Numbers (NIK), delays in delivery of antiviral drugs and so on can obtain solutions through this channel.

"This is a new feature that is expected to help accelerate telemedicine services for those who have not received it or it can also go to other official complaint channels such as email and call centers," he said.

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